White Mulberry is a poignant story of Miyoung, a young Korean woman in 1930s Japan, torn between two worlds. In 1928, under Japanese occupation, 11-year-old Miyoung dreams of becoming a teacher and avoiding an arranged marriage. When given the chance to live with her sister in Japan and continue her studies, she leaves behind her ailing mother and her name. In Kyoto, facing rising anti-Korean sentiment, she adopts the Japanese name Miyoko to survive. As a nurse, she struggles to hold onto her true self. Seeking solace in a Korean church, she finds unexpected love with an activist, reigniting her purpose and giving birth to a cherished son. As war looms and societal pressures mount, Miyoung must make life-changing decisions that will affect her and her loved ones forever. This is a moving tale of identity, resilience, and the power of love and hope.
Publisher: Lake Union Publishing (December 1, 2024); Pages: 321 pages; ISBN-13: 978-1662519697; ASIN: B0CZPK8L8J
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Author biography: Rosa Kwon Easton, born in Seoul and raised in Los Angeles, is a lawyer and trustee of the Palos Verdes Library District. She holds degrees from Smith College, Columbia University, and Boston College Law School. An Anaphora Writing Residency Fellow, her work has appeared in CRAFT Literary, Writer’s Digest, and more. She lives in Southern California with her husband, a Maltipoo, and has two adult children. Instagram @rosakwoneaston
Summary: White Mulberry follows Miyoung, a young Korean in 1930s Japan, who hides her identity to survive. Torn between duty and dreams, she must choose between safety and reclaiming her true self for her family.